Missing teeth impact your oral health and affect your self-confidence, making you reluctant to smile or speak in work or social situations.
Dental implants are the most natural-looking and effective missing teeth solution. If you are considering your options for replacing a missing tooth or several teeth, schedule a free consultation with your dentist to learn more about the advantages of dental implants so that you can make an informed decision about your oral health.
What are the Advantages of Dental Implants?
Getting a dental implant offers numerous benefits over conventional tooth replacement treatments. Some of the advantages of dental implants include:
Dental Implants are Permanent
Dental implant posts are made from biocompatible materials such as titanium or zirconium and embedded directly into the jawbone. Following your surgery, your body fuses with the implant post via osseointegration, creating a permanent, stable foundation for dental restoration.
The implant post is designed to last a lifetime, while the restoration, whether a crown, bridge, or denture plate, will need to be replaced every 15-20 years.
Dental Implants Preserve Bone Structure
When teeth are knocked out or extracted without being replaced, the jawbone deteriorates as cells are reabsorbed into the body. This can cause your remaining teeth to shift and become misaligned, leading to oral health issues such as cavities and gum disease.
Embedding the dental implant post in the jawbone stimulates bone tissue regeneration, helping to prevent bone resorption and preserving your jaw structure and youthful appearance. During your free consultation at your local dental clinic, your dentist will assess your jaw bone to decide if a bone graft will be needed prior to implant placement.
Dental Implants Look Realistic
Dental implants are fitted with an artificial restoration such as a crown or denture. At DDII, we use state-of-the-art digital technology to create custom crowns without messy impression putty.
We scan your mouth using our Trios digital intraoral impression scanner, and the data is sent to our onsite lab, where your dental crown is fabricated. This technology helps us give you an implant that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.
Dental Implants Function Like a Natural Tooth
The dental implant post acts as a natural tooth root allowing you to speak, eat, and smile confidently.
Dental Implants are Cost-Effective
Despite their higher upfront cost over other tooth replacement options, dental implants are more affordable long-term. Other dental restorations, like dentures or bridges, need frequent replacements due to changes in your jaw shape, facial structure, and wear and tear.
However, dental implants are attached directly to your jaw and promote tissue growth; they don’t need any readjustments, meaning dental implants are a one-off investment.
Dental Implants are Convenient
Dentures and removable bridges require special cleaning solutions to remove plaque buildup. A dental implant needs to be brushed and flossed twice daily like your natural teeth to protect the adjacent teeth and gum tissue. A dental implant won’t decay, but it can still attract food debris and plaque that must be removed.
There is no need to modify your diet with a dental implant. Dental implants can handle the pressure of chewing without straining the underlying tissue, so you can enjoy all the foods you love.
Smile With Confidence With Dental Implants From DDII
The advantages of dental implants make them a cost-effective, long-lasting solution to missing teeth. At DDII, our industry-leading technology ensures that your digital dental implants are fitted quickly and safely.
Contact DDII on (02) 4058 2836 today to book your free consultation and find out more about our dental implant options.
Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.