Many Australians consider the idea of dental implants in Thailand when they are weighing up the costs of their procedure. If you’ve been told you should look at dental implants as a tooth replacement and you feel as though you need a second opinion, we’d like to highlight some of the risks associated with dental implants in Thailand.



Dental Treatments That Are Sold As Tourism

A growing number of Australians are looking for ways to get more value for their money by jetting off to exotic locations like Thailand and Vietnam to have their dental work done. And that’s because they say they can get their full dental treatment, as well as a four or five star get-away (including flights), for the same price as just having the treatment alone in Sydney.

If you think about it though you aren’t really comparing like with like. Because, for all you know the standards, policies and procedures are not quite the same in Thailand as they are in Sydney. Our suggestion is to consider getting a free dental consultation at your local dental clinic before travelling abroad.

Let’s have a closer look at some of the reasons you shouldn’t be having your dental implants in Thailand.


A Dental Implant Procedure Is An Interactive 18 Month Procedure

Whether you require a bone graft or not, an implant procedure is not something that can be done overnight. And, the chances are that if it has to be fitted into travel plans and accommodate in-between international flights, it could end up a little rushed.

When you have your dental implants done in Sydney you will be having regular consultations with your dentist as your implant procedure is actually divided up into a couple of smaller procedures. After each mini procedure, your body needs time to heal before you can progress onto the next milestone. Unless you can afford to spend a few months in Thailand, fitting your implant procedure into a holiday is challenging.


Your Patient Rights Are Largely Unprotected

A foreigner having treatment in a different country is subject to the rules and regulations of that country. In Australia you really can sleep at night because various groups work to protect your rights and ensure your safety when you sit in your dentist’s chair. Wouldn’t a free consultation at your local dental clinic give you a piece of mind?

In Thailand you have no idea what sort of regulations are in force, what kind of training local practitioners undergo or what kind of infection control is in place.

When you travel outside of local borders for your implant procedure you are doing it at your own risk. And if something does go wrong, you have to rely on that medical system to look after you.

Which is not to say that it won’t, but ultimately you are taking on a large degree of risk with dental implants in Thailand –to save a bit of money.

What Happens When You Get Back?

If you go against your dentist’s advice and have your dental implants in Thailand, who will help you when you get back?  What if your Sydney dentist needs to speak to your Thai dentist to discuss your implant – will they be able to communicate?

In the event that your dentist needs replacement parts for your implant and the Thai dentist has used a brand that isn’t available locally, will you return to Thailand to have it fixed? Or have a second procedure in Sydney when you realise that the upkeep will be impossible in the future?

Complications that can arise from dental implants often relate to inadequate planning and skill. A successful implant procedure requires the correct size and shape of implant to be used. It also requires impeccable post-operative care and dental hygiene – and a close working relationship with your local dentist is the best way to achieve this.

To find out more about why local is better than dental implants in Thailand please get in touch with us to book a free dental consultation: (02) 4058 2836

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