Post-Implant Care, Checkups and Cleaning
You’ve decided to have dental implants, congratulations! Dental implants provide patients with a practically permanent solution to missing, rotting, or damaged teeth. You’ll have complete functionality and the look of real teeth after your smile has been repaired.
The Digital Dental Implant team provides thorough aftercare instructions based on your particular requirements throughout the implant procedure, from the first consultation through post-op visits. To guarantee the greatest experience, below is a comprehensive summary of post-implant maintenance, exams, and cleaning advice.
How to take care of implants while recovering?
Surgery for dental implants usually requires little time for recovery. For the first few days, stick to soft meals and stay away from spicy foods to prevent irritation at the surgery site.
You may gradually introduce meals that require more chewing as your incision heals; heed our advice to make sure you obtain enough nourishment without causing soft tissue irritation. Ice packs and over-the-counter painkillers might aid if you’re in any pain.
By gargling with saltwater, you may minimise the amount of germs in your mouth and any swelling that may be present.
The staff at DDII will provide you instructions on how to keep your mouth clean while your gum tissue heals without aggravating it. Stay hydrated and abstain from smoking for the greatest outcomes.
When to get dental exams scheduled
The number of sessions you need to make at the Digital Dental Implant Institute will depend on whether you need bone grafts to support your implants. Your care team will inform you along the way about what to anticipate and when to return for post-op examinations.
You may resume regular dental exams after your mouth has completely healed and the implant crowns have been inserted. A checkup and cleaning are often advised at least every six months by our dentists.
Cleaning your dental implants
Even while dental implants won’t deteriorate as natural teeth do, maintaining excellent oral hygiene is still crucial. No matter how many teeth you’ve had removed and replaced, dangerous oral bacteria may still lead to gum disease, inflammation, and poor smell.
Taking care of your dental implants is quite similar to taking care of your natural teeth. Use a soft toothbrush and toothpaste recommended by our dentist to brush at least twice each day.
At least once a day, floss in between your teeth, being sure to reach the implants.
Your dentist at DDII will clean the hard-to-reach areas surrounding your implants and natural teeth when you visit for your routine dental exams and cleanings.
As you can see, taking care of your dental implants is as simple as following post-operation instructions and maintaining your regular brushing, flossing, and checkup schedule.
Call the Digital Dental Implant Institute if you have any questions regarding post implant care.