You might think teeth implants in Thailand are cheaper than local clinics, but you can expect to pay more over the long term if you decide to go overseas to places like Phuket and Bangkok for dental implants. There are a number of important benefits to having your dental implant procedure done locally because you really do get what you pay for.


Dental Implant Procedures Take A Few Months To Complete

Having a dental implant isn’t like getting a filling. Depending on your personal circumstances, it can take between 12 and 18 months for your teeth implant to be finalised. And that makes it really impractical to travel outside of local borders for. Why don’t you schedule a free consultation at your local dental clinic before booking your flight?

Who Will Manage Your Dental Surgery In Thailand?

After each step of your dental implant procedure, your progress and healing must be managed carefully.

Any sign of a problem must be reported to and investigated by your dental practitioner right away.

When you have travelled to an international clinic like Bangkok, Thailand, for your procedure, this becomes impractical.

What If Something Does Go Wrong?

Dental implants have a very high success rate of between 95 and 98% and even though it is high, it does still mean that something could go wrong. And, if it does, who will look after you? It is advisable to get a free consultation at your local dental clinic and proceed with a local dentist to avoid such issues.


What About The Language Barrier?

International locations like Thailand, Malaysia and Bali are all popular places for dental tourism, but how will you communicate with your dentist, and at what cost? Your 12 to 18-month engagement with your dental practitioner requires that you have good communication, and if English is not their first language, it can make it very difficult.


Teeth implants in Thailand do not necessarily have the same rate of success as dental implants in Australia. If you’re considering teeth implants in Thailand, dentures might be a better option. Either way, consider booking a free consultation with a dentist in your area. Call us for an appointment: (02) 4058 2836.

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